51. Five tips to get your content seen without paying


5 tips to give your content more reach


ORGANIC reach is the amount of people who view your posts without you having to pay advertising.

 Did you know that:

  • The organic reach of Instagram and Facebook is only around 2-3%. That means that if you have 100 followers, only about 2 or 3 will see your post to start with.

  • However, if the engagement of your post is good, meaning: having likes, comments, and saves, the platforms' algorithm will “assume” that your content is good and will show it to more people that might be interested.  

  • Remember that the goal of these Social Media platforms is for their users to have a good experience, being learning, entertainment or connection.  The more they have a good experience, the longer they stay.

Why do they want the users to stay longer?  Because then they can show us more ads.

In summary, for us content creators, business owners who look to promote our business through social media the main objective is to create more valuable, engaging and entertaining content that speaks to our target audience.

Easy? No. Not always.  Some people seem to “crack the code” very easily and others find it hard and frustrating.

From my experience it really boils down to how clear your message is, how focused it is and how relevant it is… or entertaining.

Now, if you are after rapid growth AND you have the budget to invest and understand how Ads work on Facebook and Instagram, this is the fastest path to follow.  But, if you are not ready to take that step yet...


Here are 5 recommendations to help your posts be seen by more people:


1. Use video, use Reels (Instagram):

At the time of this post, using video is hands down one of the best things you can incorporate into your Social Media Strategy. I know, I know, it’s hard and awkward and weird, but it’s good.  Even if you do a little video is better than no video.

If you normally work on Instagram then Reels is the way to go, as Instagram is giving over proportional reach to the Reels content, which means a lot more people are viewing your reels than your posts.

You can read this article here about video (blog post 24 - https://bit.ly/3x9bp4d )

Or download this PDF to help you with creating REELS (www.blancamelendez.com/freebie-reels)

2. Time your posts:

Find the best time for publishing your posts.

When your audience is most available and active on the social platforms of your choice.  It could be that different platforms have different “ideal” posting times.

Social Media platforms usually offer you analytics to understand exactly when are the best times to post in your accounts are. When your audience is more active in each of the platforms.                                                                                                                                                                                            

I personally noticed a big difference when I post at the “right” times vs. when I post at any other random times.  For this reason, I use tools to program my posts in advance, so that I can post at the best times even if I am not available.

Unfortunately, as of now Reels can only be posted manually, but you can prepare it, save it in drafts and post it later on.   I use either the Facebook Creator Studio or Later ( https://later.com/ )

3. Get your community to engage with your content:

I know, easier said than done, right?  Agree.

But if we understand that the more people like, share, comment and save your posts (or content) the more the algorithm knows that your content is relevant and the more it will push it for others to be seen.

I know time is valuable, I know I consider it to be one of my most important assets.  But either you have the budget to invest in rapid growth through Ads, or you invest your time in creating the content that will get the engagement.

And invest the time to engage back because you can’t expect to receive if you don’t give, right?

4. Avoid using external links:

Use native photos and video, original content.  Platforms want you to stay as long as possible in there and penalize, when you share links that will drive people away from the platform.

Instagram doesn’t allow you to put external links (that work) in your text, you have to do it through your one link allowed in your profile.

5. Be Consistent:

Of course it matters if you post once a week vs. posting everyday.  But if posting once or twice a week is all you can commit to, then do that much… consistently.

As a small business owner, my resources (times) aren’t unlimited, which means that during “stressful times” or times in which my workload is big, I might not be able to post as often as I know I should, even with planning ahead.

As a minimum, I make a strategic decision of the amount of content that I will maintain during those times, in my case: my weekly email to my list, my blog and my stories.

Think, how much consistency can you commit to today?


Here’s that Reels guide for you!


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


53. Seven things you need to consider before quitting that job and pursuing your passion.


50. Brand Experience