45. Original photos are still the best way to connect with your audience

Original photos are still the best way to connect with your audience.jpg

Photos of you to start connecting with your audience


When studying Business Administration & Marketing in University, I thought I wanted to work for a company like Unilever, Procter & Gamble or Nestlé. I did work for Nestlé for some years, but ended up realizing that what I really wanted was something else and I left to create my own photography business.  

Looking back, there is not one of the decisions I made regarding my career/life path that I would change, if it would mean that I would end in any place other than where I am right now.

I had two dreams growing up, to become a photographer and to work in marketing.  I got here but the path I followed had a lot of twists and turns.

Today, I get to work with individuals, with the end customers, I work with people with a face and a name, not a number, not a statistic.

I get to work with people with dreams like mine and I get to help them to get a step closer to doing what they love.  And in order to do so, I am always reading and researching about marketing so that I can serve them better.

In doing so, I stumbled upon these three statistics that I found really interesting:

  • The MOST used visual content is:  Stock photography: 40%

  • The 2nd one is: Original created photography and graphics: 34%

  • And the 3rd one is: video 14% (rapidly growing)

BUT hear this now:

The MOST EFFECTIVE visual content used by businesses to market their products and services is:  did you guess?  ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND GRAPHICS!!!

And the BIGGEST STRUGGLE for businesses and brands in regards to marketing their businesses?  Is to consistently create this content.  (source)

Now here are a couple of additional numbers that caught my eye:

Posts with faces are 38% more likely to receive likes and 32% more likely to receive comments than other posts.  (source)

60% of consumers say they’re more likely to consider or contact a business that has an image show up in local search results (source)


Here’s the thing, even when I analyze my own statistics, I realize that looking back to all the posts of last year, from the TOP 15 for engagement, 9 of them have my face on it…  and 11 of them have a person on it.

Yes, my friends, I know that sometimes we feel like people will get tired of seeing our face … and probably it might be true if we overdue it, but still, even if we (introverts) hate to hear it… people want connection, they want to see who is behind the Personal Brand.

People want to see other people and people react better to content that is authentic and original.

For that reason, I have created the “Smartphone Photography Course for Female Solopreneurs”, trying to use my superpowers to help other super women achieve their goals.  It helps resolve the struggle of creating ORIGINAL content that looks PROFESSIONAL.

It is ONLY through showing up and being consistent that we connect with others who need exactly what we can offer.


If you want to learn how to create your own Social Media content with only your phone, then join the waiting list for my course: Smartphone Photography for Female Solopreneurs


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


48. Why your Brand’s Origin Story Matters and 5 tips to consider when writing yours


44. Four tips to brand your website