32. Are perceptions realities? Should I care about what people think of me?


They say that perceptions are realities…

Maybe not to you, but in the mind of those who come in contact with you they are.  

If you are an entrepreneur and trying to build your own brand, you HAVE to understand what people think about you and your brand.

Your brand is the experience people expect to have when doing business with you.  Brands are built by customers not companies.  Customers are the ones who in the end WILL decide what it is that you stand for.

BUT WAIT!  Your BRAND could have a negative without you even knowing!!

You can choose how you communicate, but you don’t choose how people perceive it.  Sometimes there might be a GAP between what you are trying to communicate and how people see & feel about it.

Are you coming across as:

  • ARROGANT when maybe all you are is shy?

  • INSECURE because your work language is not your first language and you don’t feel so confident?

  • SUPERFICIAL because you don’t know customers want to hear more depth?

  • UNRELATABLE because it seems your life is always so perfect and you got it all together?

  • DISTANT because they don’t really see who you are?

  • TOO FORMAL because you talk in the third person instead of the first-person?

  • NOT PROFESSIONAL ENOUGH because of what you wear, the way you talk, or the topics you discuss about?  Or maybe share too much?

  • INDECISIVE because you are trying to be flexible?


I tell ya’, never make assumptions!

I would recommend making a short survey either in person or on a phone/video call asking at least 5-10 people that know you well, a wide variety or relations (family, friends, clients, suppliers, partners), people you trust and to ask questions relating to your strengths, values, weaknesses, and what makes you unique.  

Another alternative is to conduct an anonymous survey like for example through Google Forms or Survey Monkey and ask some of those questions, which might make people be more direct/honest, but also they might be less responses.

It is never too early or too late in your business journey to find out what is the word going around about your BRAND.   You can gain some extremely valuable insight that can help you tweak your message to make it spot on.


I realized that I am my own worst critic and that even if others do criticize me they are not paying my bills, so… I shouldn’t care.  Those who care are probably in my tribe.


Remember that reputation thrives on repetition, the more you repeat, the more people get it and it becomes part of how they perceive you.    Like having kids or a dog, how many times did you have to repeat about cleaning the room, taking a shower, or brushing their teeth?


It is exactly the same here. Go ahead and find out and if you realize that the perception is not what you intended as part of your Brand Communication, then change it.

One last word of caution. There is a difference between understanding how my BRAND is perceived and opening our ears to the nay-sayers or unsupportive people… use your judgement and pay attention only to the ones that matter.

We are in this together,


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


34. Why keywords are important for your brand message


31. Change your mindset, start showing up