12. Make the most out of your Personal Branding Shoot


You are thinking about getting new professional photos done for your website or your business social media presence?

As a photographer I have done many Branding Photoshoots, these are 10 things you should think about when planning a photoshoot for your Business.

Needless to say, coming from me, but find the RIGHT photographer for you.  Make sure you have chemistry, that he or she understands your needs or vision and is willing to work with you in achieving that while bringing his/her ideas to make the results even better.


Check him/her for reviews and references.  You want to make sure others have had a good experience working with him/her.  


Agree on a pricing plan or package upfront, so that you know what the investment will be.  Make sure to ask if the pricing includes the commercial rights of using the images and also ask if editing of the images (or what level of editing is included).


Provide a Briefing to the photographer.


Plan your outfits ahead of time.  Consult a Stylist, if you are like me someone who has some sense of what I like to wear, but who is horrible in knowing how to combine clothing, I would definitely recommend it.

Decide on whether you will use a professional Hair&Make-up artist on the day of the shoot.  Plan the timing of getting ready before.

Plan your locations and what outfits will go with each location.  Make sure it is allowed to photograph at the locations you have selected.  Sometimes there are rights to buildings/ monuments or certain permits are required.

Make a shot list.  Make sure that you have a list of the photos that you MUST have.

If your Branding shoot requires models, make sure to brief them ahead of time as well.  What to wear, what not to wear, how many outfits they need to bring, how do they need to have their hair done.   And make sure they sign a model release.

Select a date and time.  Make sure you understand the policy with the photographer on last minute changes (due to sickness or weather).


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


13. How do I know if Online Marketing Mentoring is right for me?


11. Need business photos? What is the right photo session for me?