6. Five tips to prepare for a Business Shoot

  1. Think about your Personal Brand


Before you come to your shoot, give it a thought about the values you wish to communicate with your images. Are you able to summarize them in three to five words? Sharing this information with me will help me work on developing business portraits for you which are in-line with your needs.

2. Plan your outfit

Always bring several outfits to your shoot. Sometimes the clothes that make you feel comfortable might not be so as flattering on the photos as you imagined. In that case, I like to have alternatives we can use.

Make sure your outfits are properly ironed and packed in such a way that they don’t wrinkle.

Don’t forget to bring jewelry and accessories that complement the clothing.

3. Hair and Nails

Make sure to retouch your hair roots before your shoot to avoid nasty color differences between the roots and your hair color… no, it is not as easy to correct it in Photoshop and make it look natural as one might think.

Give yourself a manicure or at least make sure your nails are even and clean, no chipped nail polish.

If you need a haircut it is best to do it at least a week before the shoot, to make sure it has settled down.

4. Food and drink

The day before:

  • Don’t eat heavy or too salty foods.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Get a good night sleep.

Trust me, your skin will thank you for it!

5. relax and have fun!

Often people worry too much about having portraits taken and they tell themselves that they are not photogenic.

There is really no such thing. I do believe that EVERYONE can look well on photos, it is about finding out who that person really is and letting the light from inside shine to the outside.

Relax and go in with a positive attitude, trust me, it will show on the images.

And have fun! How often do you get to play being a model?


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


8. Are you an EXPAT-PRENEUR?


3. Social Media is part of your job.