8. Are you an EXPAT-PRENEUR?

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Recently, while doing hashtag research I found #expatpreneur and I fell in love with it.


Why? Because this is the first time I truly feel identified with the description of what not being a real expat anymore is like, a “settled” expat if you will, one who is “here to stay”.  


So, how do you know if you are an

EXPAT-PRENEUR? answer these questions!

  • Do you run a business in a country other than your own, with the whole set of challenges that this brings.

  • You most likely are learning or are fluent in the local language (if different than your own), so that you can be able to run your business in your host country and integrate.

  • Your circle of friends includes foreigners but also locals.

  • You feels sometimes a little bit at a disadvantage in comparison to the locals, because you have to figure out so many things others already seem to know.

  • You have to adapt and understand the local culture, to adapt your business to the cultural differences of your host country.

I have been running my business in Germany for a while now, but still I feel there are so many things that pose a challenge, especially because of the language.

I mean, I consider myself 95% fluent in spoken German, I can work, run an entire shoot with clients, have fun with kids, read books and watch films in German… but writing? That’s a whole different challenge. I can not even imagine what it would mean for me to try to write this blog in German.


Are you an EXPAT-PRENEUR wherever you are?  Let’s connect … because we are in this together. Find me on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.



Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


9. What is Brand Identity and why should I care?


6. Five tips to prepare for a Business Shoot