63. What are Personal Branding Images used for?


Wondering how you can use Personal Branding images?

Let’s start with what Branding images are about.  Things have changed since I became a photographer about 10 years ago. People didn’t need Personal Branding images, they needed photos for a resume or for their website.

But most of the time, the photos of yourself that were going on the website were mostly a portrait and some other stock photos.

Today the aesthetic for photos on the website has dramatically changed.

The functionality of websites has changed.  Before it used to be like a digital business card. Today your website is more than that.  It is a tool to sell your products or services. 

It is your “home” on the internet. Yes, social media is good, but your website is where you invite people.  

It used to be that websites had tons of text and as I said before, just a few stock photos.

Today, websites are lean, are cohesive, and are more aesthetically appealing.   We know people are not going to read long, so there is less text, just what is necessary. The images communicate, don’t we say that an image says a thousand words?  

Branding images are more than just portraits, let me tell you how. 


What types of images can you expect to have from a Personal Branding photoshoot?

  • Portraits

    Portraits, headshots or full body individual photos will still be around.  Close-ups on your face, straight to camera, but also and depending on the type of work that you do, maybe some looking to the side, a bit less formal, more casual.

  • Work scenarios, You on the job:

    These are images that represent what you do when you are working.  Of course, depending on the work that you do, these could be really hands on (pottery, jewelry, cooking, etc.) or at your place of work, your desk, talking to clients)

  • Details / Layflats

    These photos are from things, details, elements from your work space that are representative of what you do. I could be your work tools or materials or simply your computer, cups, books…anything that aligns with what you do.

  • Lifestyle

    Lifestyle photos are usually from you doing other things that you love or that represent you and your brand.  It helps round up the image of your brand. For example, if you are a coach, but you love running or cooking or building. Things are part of who you are but are not directly linked to your work, but to you as a person. They help people identify with you.

How can I use my Personal Branding photos?

The short answer is EVERYWHERE!!!

  1. Website

    If you are a personal brand, you definitely need a photo of you on the cover page and one on the About me page.  On the rest of the website you can combine different lifestyle photos, with photos of lay-flats for example.

  2. Social media

    Definitely on social media, you can use them for your profile photos and throughout your posts from time to time.  As a Personal Brand, you should be the face of your brand, not sure about that?  Read this article here

    But you might also need images from your lay-flats or details that are on brand.  

  3. Articles

    You can use your branding images for articles that you write, of if you are going to give a speech or a statement.  If you participate on a panel or at a conference, you might need to provide a recent professional looking photo together with your bio.  It is handy to have some photos available.  

  4. Press /PR

    Are you going to be in the press?  As well, it comes in pretty handy when you have recent professional photos you can provide.

  5. Flyers /Business brochure

    And, they are not completely dead, the good old flyers. Nowadays I see them often also as digital PDF’s, but they can also be in print.  You might need to create a pamphlet or a business brochure with all your services and contact information. 


I know that some people wait to do their Personal Branding photos for various reasons, being the cost one of the main ones.

Now, here is the thing.  In my case, when I do a Branding Shoot, I have different packages depending on the needs of my clients and their budgets.

It has often happened that they might start with one of the most basic packages the first time and then come back and move up to a package encompassing more images.

The basic packages include only Headshot style photos.  Now being creative, we are able to incorporate elements in those Headshots that help you create top of mind recognition (more about top of mind here)

Larger packages will include more Lifestyle images.


If you are considering doing a Personal Branding Photoshoot, you can book a discovery call here, to explore what option suits you best:



Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


65. Telling business stories with documentary photography


62. What is Personal Branding?