42. Five recommendations for someone starting a Personal Brand from scratch


5 Tips to start your Personal Brand Business


When I start working with a new client to create a Personal Brand from scratch.  I have a set of recommendations for someone going through such a process.

  1. Do not start with your website first:

    My first recommendation is to NOT start working on a website first before you clearly know what you want to sell and what your brand is supposed to look like.  

    I see this as a very common mistake.   Your website needs to be a selling tool, it should help move your visitor to take action, it needs to be well thought to be effective.

    Do the groundwork first, then invest in creating a good website that serves your business needs.

  2. Assess your strengths

    Assessing your strengths not only from the knowledge and experience perspective but also from the personality perspective is, in my opinion, critical for a Personal Brand.  

    Look not only at your knowledge, which probably extends to various areas.  But search for those areas in which three things meet: you are an expert and you are passionate about and there is a market need for it.

  3. Define your product or service

    It is important to decide what is the main product or service that will be offered, with time you can grow, but start small.

    As a small business owner, it would be great to have full market research and clarity about the needs of our ideal client, but we don’t always have that luxury.  

    Define your offer in a simple way people clearly understand how they can work with you and what you sell and focus in one core area and put all your effort into it.   

    If you offer too many things, one, people won’t know exactly what you stand for and two, you will only dilute your efforts into too many directions, you will be less effective.

  4. Understand the areas you will need help

    Remember that every business has start-up costs, always.  Remember that you have strengths, but most likely there are areas you are not so savvy or knowledgeable at.

    Don’t make the mistake of trying to do-it-all-by-yourself.  If you spend a lot of time trying to do things you are either not good at or you know nothing about, you will spend your most valuable asset: time away from things that really add value to your business.

    Assess which are those areas and either ask for help or hire help if needed.

  5. Perfection is the enemy of action

    It is often so that when we start on our own, there are so many things we don’t know.  We doubt, we overthink, but don’t let the “lack of perfection” paralyze your decision making.  

    The beauty about owning your Personal Brand & business is that you can adjust and refine as you go.  

    Social Media is a great tool to connect with your ideal client, to get feedback and to ask.

    Remember, it is not set in stone.  Especially if you are starting, there might be areas that will only become more clear as you actually work on them.

Good luck!


If you need some help gaining clarity for your brand, you can check this resource here:


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


43. Seven ideas to raise your brand awareness using social media


41. Why is Brand Recognition important for your Personal Brand