28. Ok, I know I have a business, but do I really need to show my face on Social Media?
I know what you are thinking…
Ok, I know I have a business, but do I really need to show my face?
YES my dear, you do… I mean, if you are a Solopreneur or Small Business Owner and you are serious about your business, yes, you most definitely should.
It took me a long time to gather the courage to step in front of the camera instead of hiding behind it. So, here are my tips on how to help you change the mindset:
1. It’s not about YOU
Change your perspective, it is not about you. You have a gift to share and it is for the good of others that you share your gift.
2. Face your FEAR
Acknowledge your fear or hesitation and recognize the reason you don't show up. Just by recognizing what is stopping us from doing something is half the battle.
3. Start easy
You don’t need to start posting your self-portraits from the get-go, start with some things other than yourself, to start getting comfortable
4. Plan ahead
Make a plan, if you plan ahead and decide which photos you will post there are fewer excuses not to do it.
5. Don’t give Imposter Syndrome a chance
Get over the impostor syndrome, you are enough, you deserve sharing your gift.
If you are starting your business and needed more clarity with your online BRAND, this mini-course if for you:
6. Talk it out
Talk to someone, like a friend, a mentor or a coach, talking about our fear lessens its power.
7. Write, talk, share about what you know.
Write about things that you know. Write about things that interest your fans or that helps or serve them.
8. Get good portraits
Get good photos of yourself, so you have zero excuses for posting photos of yourself on Social Media for your business
If you decide at some point to get professional business photos done, here is another blog article I wrote, about how to make the most from your branding shoot
Hi! I’m Blanca!
I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.
I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.