30. Why you should be the face of your BRAND?

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Why you need to be the face of your brand


If you are a Solopreneur, there is no way around, you are the face of your brand… or at least you should.

And I am not talking here being an influencer, just showing your face, letting people know you and see who is behind the business you are building.

Sounds daunting?  You tell me!  I am what you could call a sociable introvert.  I love people, love to work with people, can be very outgoing, but I don’t particularly enjoy the spotlight.

So, why did I decide to step up?

I knew that only through showing up consistently, I would be able to create trust and confidence with clients. I wanted to reach more people, have a bigger impact. Do you see? I want to help more people make a living doing what they love.


Here are the benefits of showing your face:


People get to know you more authentically

You create familiarity around your brand

You inspire trust, through communicating your core values.

People can see how you understand their needs

You give the voice to your brand

It is personal, it makes your brand more human.

One of the major concerns most entrepreneurs have when considering being the face of their brand is the loss of privacy.   I had these concerns as well.  But I was wrong the way I saw it first.

People connect more with you as a small brand because everyone loves to know about the journey, they love to cheer the underdog and get inspired by stories of small owners and their business ventures.  It gives you the insight and differentiation of who is making the products or providing the services.

You don’t need to share about EVERYTHING in your life, you can be selective to what is relevant to your brand for connection.   The stories of how you started, why you started, what have you created, what inspires you.  You can share value, give insights into your business, take people behind the scenes of what you do.

If you are at the fence, and you slowly understand that this is something you have to do, I want you to start seeing it as a part of your job, yes, you are the speaker, the public relations attaché of your business if you will.   You want to grow your business? This is something you have to do.

So, are you doing it?


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


31. Change your mindset, start showing up


29. Avoid these mistakes on your Visual Branding