14. Five reasons to update your LinkedIn profile photo




Every time I am on LinkedIn, I have to roll my eyes.  Really.

The photos you see… and the ones you don’t!  Cut-out photos from a party, dark photos where you can’t even see the face, blurry photos, just to name a few.

LinkedIn is a professional Social Media Platform for Business.  It used to be a platform where you looked for a job if you were employed by a company.  Today, LinkedIn is so much more.

It has become a true Social Media Platform to generate connections more, you can present your business find clients and be found.  It is no longer just to store your resume.

Many tools have been added since it first started.  You can add links to external media, publish articles (almost like a mini-blog), give and receive recommendations.  It allows you to publish, add video and one of the latest features is the live video.

It is a platform that can be used as an extension from your website as a small entrepreneur or if you are a business executive wanting to strengthen your Personal Brand.

Here are five reasons why you should seriously consider updating your LinkedIn photo.


5 Reasons to update your LinkedIn profile photo


Your photo is outdated.  It is often the case that because you are at the same company and haven’t had to apply for new jobs lately, well then, you just don’t think about updating your image, even though it has been… 10 years?  Let’s face it, as graciously as we all age, we change.  Sometimes it is a bit embarrassing if people meet us in person after seeing our photo only to have that perplexed photo, because we don’t look like that at all.

You have had a significant change in your appearance.  Style changes, we get bore with the same hair color, want to experiment, grow out the gray hair or let our natural hair color grow back.  Maybe the gentlemen have grown a beard.  Maybe you let your hair grow or cut it very short for example.

The position you work for has changed.  Maybe you have been promoted or taken on a different challenge.  It could be that the new position has a different vibe, younger, more dynamic and your current image doesn’t reflect the image you want to convey or vice versa.

Your business or brand has changed.  You changed companies or started one, maybe you rebranded your business and those changes are not reflected in the style or branding of your current images.

You have simply overgrown your image,  you are more mature, more confident and it doesn’t represent you anymore.  You can see and feel those things through your image if you work with your photographer to capture the message you want to convey.


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


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