79. From Vision to Reality: How Personal Branding Visuals Shape the transformation towards the Identity of who you are meant to be
In the age of digital media and personal branding photos and videos play an increasingly significant role in how we present ourselves to the world.
But their power goes beyond how we present ourselves —visuals also play a crucial role in helping us shape our identities and achieve our goals.
This article explores the powerful impact that personal branding visuals have on our ability to build the identity of who we want to become, focusing on the psychology of self-perception, visualization, and habit formation.
The Power of Self-Perception and Identity in Personal Growth
We all have goals we aspire to achieve, whether it’s becoming more athletic, confident, or professionally successful.
However, the key to reaching these goals is often rooted in how we see ourselves. Our self-perception, the way we see ourselves and our capabilities, in addition to our set of beliefs can either propel us toward our goals or hold us back from reaching them.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, famously said, “The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity.”
In other words, real change is only sustainable when it aligns with the identity you believe you hold.
For example, if you want to be someone who exercises daily, it’s not enough to force yourself into working out every day.
If in your mind you still see yourself as the person who got picked last for a team, who couldn’t run without being out of breath, who was never able to hit the ball, or score a goal… then, no matter how much you force yourself, it will not “stick” in the long run.
You need to see yourself as an athlete—someone who inherently prioritizes fitness and well-being. Otherwise, the efforts to build new habits will feel foreign and unsustainable.
But how can someone shift their identity to align with their goals? Change that identity in your mind and become who you want to become.
I believe that personal branding visuals can be a transformative tool to help us shape our identity. By creating and engaging with images and videos that represent the identity we aspire to have, we can start to internalize those representations, helping to reshape our self-perception.
How Personal Branding Visuals Shape Identity
Personal branding visuals—whether through professional photoshoots, lifestyle videos, or curated social media posts—serve as a mirror reflecting the person we are becoming or want to become.
These visuals offer a tangible, external representation of the identity we are trying to build. When you see yourself in a photo or video embodying the characteristics of the person you aspire to be, something powerful happens in the brain.
Visualization techniques have long been studied for their effectiveness in enhancing performance and achieving goals. Mental imagery, for example in sports and public speaking, has been shown to improve self-confidence—the belief in one's capabilities to achieve specific goals.
Research supports the idea that visualizing successful outcomes helps increase confidence and performance. Athletes frequently use mental imagery to rehearse success, which in turn prepares their minds for real-world achievement(
By repeatedly seeing ourselves in a new light—whether it’s through images of us dressed professionally, working out, or engaging in activities that reflect our aspirations—we start to shift our internal dialogue and self-perception.
We begin to think, “This is who I am now,” rather than, “This is who I hope to be someday.”
The Role of Visualization in Habit Formation
Visualization is a well-established technique used by elite athletes, successful entrepreneurs, and high achievers in various fields.
In the book: Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, he delves into the concept of self-image and how visualization can change one's self-perception and habits. He was one of the first ones to connect visualization to identity transformation, emphasizing that seeing yourself in the role you want to play is key to achieving personal growth. But by far, he is not the only one supporting this concept.
Visualization involves mentally rehearsing or imagining oneself performing a task or living a certain lifestyle. This practice is not just mental fantasy; it actually has a strong basis in neuroscience.
When we visualize an action, the brain generates neural patterns similar to those that would occur if we were actually performing the action.
In a sense, our brain can’t fully distinguish between what we imagine and what we do in real life. This is why visualizing success can help create a sense of familiarity and confidence, making it easier to translate that imagined success into reality.
Personal branding visuals take this concept of visualization to the next level.
Instead of merely imagining yourself as an athlete or a successful business person, you see yourself in that role in concrete, externalized forms—photos and videos. These visuals can serve as powerful affirmations of who you are becoming. The more frequently you engage with these images and videos, the more your brain starts to associate your identity with the person in those visuals.
Imagine someone wanting to transition from being shy to a confident public speaker. They might arrange a photoshoot or video session where they’re holding a microphone or practicing a speech, then share those visuals online.
Every time they see themselves in that role, their brain strengthens the connection between their identity and being a public speaker. Over time, this helps them engage in speaker-related habits like practicing or taking on speaking gigs, even if they are small, as their self-image begins to align with their goals.
Visual Affirmations and the Concept of “Future You”
An essential concept in personal development is the idea of “Future You.” This is the version of yourself that has already achieved the goals you’re working toward. This version of you has already overcome obstacles, developed new habits, and reached a state of success or fulfillment. When you visualize your future self, you create a mental roadmap for how to get there.
Personal branding visuals act as visual affirmations of your “Future You.” When you look at photos and videos where you embody the characteristics of this future self—whether it’s in your appearance, environment, or actions—you make it easier to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
The visual representation of “Future You” can provide motivation and clarity when you encounter setbacks or moments of doubt. Instead of feeling disconnected from your aspirations, you’re reminded that you are already on the path to becoming that person.
Visuals serve as a reminder that the identity you’re building is not some distant, abstract goal—it’s something you’re actively living and breathing, even if only in small ways at first.
The Social Aspect of Personal Branding
Another important aspect of personal branding visuals is their social nature. Personal branding is often about more than just how we see ourselves—it’s also about how others perceive us. Sharing personal branding visuals on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube allows you to project your evolving identity to a broader audience.
While there’s a danger in relying too heavily on external validation, the social aspect of personal branding can also be a powerful motivator for change. When others begin to see and acknowledge you in your new identity, it can reinforce your belief in that identity. The social feedback loop can strengthen your commitment to your goals and help you stay accountable.
For example, when a person consistently posts photos of themselves working on their fitness goals, they not only affirm their identity to themselves but also communicate that identity to their community.
When friends, family, or followers engage with that content—whether through likes, comments, or messages of encouragement—it reinforces the identity they’re working to build. In this way, personal branding visuals can serve both as internal motivators and as tools for social accountability.
Practical Steps to Leverage Personal Branding Visuals
If you’re looking to leverage personal branding visuals to help build the identity of who you want to become, here are some practical steps to get started:
1. Define Your Desired Identity: Be clear about who you want to become. Is it an entrepreneur, a confident public speaker, or a leader in your industry? Write down the qualities and behaviors associated with that identity. For example, you may want to be seen as someone who is innovative, original, or inspiring. Once you’ve defined that, the next step is to align your personal brand visuals with this identity.
But building a personal brand doesn’t stop at just one role. As you work on becoming an entrepreneur or public speaker, consider other dimensions of your identity that can help round out your personal brand. These might include showcasing your lifestyle through activities that reflect your values and interests.
For example, you could include photos or videos of yourself engaging in sports, participating in charity work, or even cooking and spending time with loved ones. These visuals communicate more than just your professional goals—they offer a holistic view of who you are.
By broadening your personal branding visuals to include lifestyle elements, you create a more complete and authentic image. This not only reinforces your identity in your own mind but also resonates with your audience.
People are more likely to connect with a personal brand that feels multidimensional, relatable, and human. Whether it’s through images of you giving a speech, working on a project, or hiking, you’re showing the full spectrum of who you are and who you aspire to be.
2. Create Visual Content: Invest in professional or high-quality photos and videos that represent the identity you’re striving for. This could include images with a polished, refined style or a more organic, natural look—whatever best fits your brand.
Consider working with a photographer who specializes in personal branding and understands how to bring your vision to life. In my experience, even when clients don’t have a fully clear vision, I help them craft one, ensuring the visuals align with their aspirations and authentically communicate their desired identity and style.
3. Engage with Your Visuals Regularly: Display these visuals where you will see them often—on your phone, in your workspace, or on social media. Regular engagement helps reinforce the connection between your current self and your future identity.
4. Share with Your Community: Don’t be afraid to share your journey with others. Posting your personal branding visuals online can help you stay accountable and reinforce your new identity through social feedback.
5. Be Patient and Consistent: Remember that identity change doesn’t happen overnight. Continue creating and engaging with your personal branding visuals as you work on your habits, and over time, your self-perception will evolve to match your aspirations.
There’s a popular phrase: “Fake it until you make it,” suggesting that by pretending to be something you're not, you’ll eventually become it. While this approach has its merits, I resonate more with Chase Jarvis’s take: “Make it until you make it.” Instead of faking, Jarvis encourages actively creating and building your future through tangible efforts and actions. In his words, if you want to define your future, the best way is to create it (The Creative Factor).
This concept aligns perfectly with the role of personal branding visuals. It’s not about pretending to be someone else but about creating and presenting an authentic version of yourself that reflects the identity you’re striving for. By curating professional photos and videos, you are actively shaping how you see yourself and how others see you. You’re not faking confidence, success, or leadership—you’re making it happen by embodying those traits through thoughtful, crafted visuals that align with your goals.
As a personal brand photographer, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful this process can be. When clients engage with visuals that reflect their desired identity, something shifts in their mindset. They start to live out that identity, not by faking it, but by creating it day by day, image by image, step by step. So remember: don't fake it—make it.
And if you’re not sure where to start, I can help you craft a vision that reflects the future you’re working towards.
Hi there! I’m Blanca!
I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.
I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.